
Cadeau, Give away, pour les petits, for the little ones

You remember the story I illustrated some months ago, THE PRINCESS AND THE PEA ???
No, reread it carefully...and look at this picture...There're three differences between this one and The First one...
Guess what the FOUR differences are, leave me a message, and if you are selected you'll win a present of my books of course...

Vous vous souvenez de l'histoire d'Andersen que j'ai illustrée il y a quelques mois : LA PRINCESSE AU PETIT POIS...
Non, alors relisez la regardez bien l'image ci-dessus, il y a QUATRE différences entre celle-ci et la première image publiée en 2011, laissez-moi un message pour me dire lesquelles, et si vous êtes sélectionné vous gagnerez un cadeau ...un livre illustré par moi bien sûr...

3 commentaires:

bohemiannie! art a dit…

I'm a little confused because at first you said there were 3 differences, then you said maybe that's one of the differences.
1- The new picture has a yellow piece of calico under the checked gingham...which used to be where the green piece is now. (Is that #1 and 2)?
2-In the new pix there are 4 green dots - instead of 3 in the original.
3-As mentioned in #1...the new pix has green fabric where the gold used to be
4. There's a kitty cat beside the bed. ")

Peaceful/Paisible a dit…

Annie, so happy to see you !
you're right sweetheart ! and yes I added one more... up to now you're the only one to participate, so send me your postal address !!! directly to my mail so nobody will see it !
love to the little one and all the family !

bohemiannie! art a dit…

I've sent a comment with my address, but not sure if it was in the right place!

THANK YOU! SO much!!!